
The Joy of Love {Day Thirteen}

13: Routines.

I chose Gabriella as my little love today because she's the only person that has a pretty set in stone routine. We do the same things every day at the same times, and I love it! I LOVE knowing whats coming next and I love being able to plan. We start everyday around 7:45 and I get Max up and get him dressed, and then I go get Bella out of her crib. Now out of all the things we do together in a day this is by far my favorite thing. I LOVE to see her smiley happy face and her big blue eyes that always look like I've just made her day. Now that her hair is finally growing it looks so crazy when she gets up!
So here's a shot of her this morning when I went in to get her out of her bed.

Talk to you soon,

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