
So this is what letting go feels like?

I know I know. I'm supposed to keep my composure at all times and let these things roll off my back...cause as my husband lovingly tells me "They have to grow up sometime babe." After thinking about it and talking about it, we finally decided we would put Max into preschool. I know you're saying, "what the eff is there to think or talk about?!". But I struggled with this decision a little bit. I was hesitant to put him into a new environment, with new kids, and with different adults telling him what to do. (I think I might have some control issues when it comes to my kids...sue me) I was just thinking that since I stay at home anyways, whats the use of putting him into school just yet and starting his school career already? Well anyways, we finally just decided to do it because I was put into preschool and look how smart I am!! That's not the real reason but I had to throw it out there. Really we just figured it would do him some good to be exposed to the daily school routines now when it doesn't count as much as it does in kindergarten and it would help him adjust now to being around a bunch of kids. Something he's obviously not used to. He was in daycare temporarily and he LOVED it. So this shouldn't be too hard. I hope.

Soooo...this morning we enrolled him into a state funded preschool. (I wasn't okay with paying for something I hardly wanted to do) It's the same school program that my 16 & 17 year old brothers went to for preschool! We took the kids with us, and Max was more excited than I have seen him in a while when I told him we were going to his new school. That of course calmed my nerves a little bit.

As I was sitting there filling out paper after paper of questions about his short life I couldn't help but flashback to this day. When he was about a month old and I was still trying to figure out the whole mommy thing.
And then we came home and I was looking at my boy being his goofy self and I realized that time has flown by quicker than I ever thought it could and he has grown into this little man, with a future as bright as the sun. I'm sure when August 31st gets here and we are dropping him off for the first time I will feel even more like a piece of me is being ripped away...and I'll blog about it again. But until then I am going to enjoy the fact that I get 24 hours a day everyday with my firstborn.

Talk to you soon,

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