
How Do You Spell Mommy? T-I-R-E-D

Picture this.
You're trying to make dinner, have your 4 year old do his homework, and keep your one year old happy for five minutes. Now add this in; the four year old doesn't want to do his homework and is whining in his OUTSIDE voice, and your one year old doesn't want to be happy...at all, so shes at your feet. Then you think well I'll put the gate up and she wont get burned by the heat of the stove, you put her on the other side and the hysterics of your house are now out of control. Can you even hear yourself think enough to try and make everyone calm down? I didn't think so.

Take a deep breath. Turn off whatever you're cooking. Pick up the one year old. Sit down at the table with the four year old. Everyone is suddenly quiet right?

Welcome to one of the crazier days in my life. It isn't always like this of course. When Ryan's home the kids act like they're total angels (figures) and there are some days when the kids are just in excellent moods. I don't know if I just have needy kids or if all moms have these moments, because I'm not every mom, I'm just A mom. I dont know how all the other moms out there would handle stress or frustration, I just know how I handle it.

There are some days where I've just literally had enough. I will just stand there and look at them and that normally makes them stop for a second to look at me like what the heck is she doing right now. (hahahaha) Other times, I'm not even fazed by them. Over the last five years I've developed the wonderful ability to tune certain things out. And if the kids are just being loud playing together then I halfway tune them out. I am still paying attention (always) but I'm not focusing all my energy on them. Then there are times when I want to rip my hair out. Like I've said before, I'm not the mom who is going to hold anything back or make it seem like everything is always peaches and cream...cause its not. When both of my kids are tired, or they both don't feel good, or they're just both in the mood to aggravate me...thats when I think I'm going crazy.When this kind of thing happens I just have to sit on the couch real quick, collect myself, count to ten, and start over.

Sometimes when I get into bed after a particularly grueling day with the kids. I lay there and I think...what in the he** did I get myself into? Then I pray about it, and then its like God has a button he presses up there when he knows I need it, and all the thousands of reasons why I love my kids more than life itself go flashing before my eyes. I see Max doing a dance for me to his favorite MJ song and I see Bella cracking up running away from Max. It is because of him that moms do what they do. If we didn't have God on our side, showing us what to do, we'd be lost and helpless. I give all the glory I have to God and I thank him everyday before I even get out of bed for the strength, wisdom, and patience hes going to give me that day.

I love my kids to pieces, but sometimes its hard. Sometimes moms need a break...and my break is from 7 to (if I can make it) 10 when my kids are asleep and I am still awake. I take those few hours to shower, read a book, or watch a show.Or sometimes I just sit on my couch or bed in silence and bask in it. (hahahaaha)

Talk to you soon,

P.S. Thanks Sara S. for the idea on this blog post. =) I think it turned out well.

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