
So what would you do...

With 8lbs of strawberries??!!

Today a semi carrying strawberries wrecked (no one was hurt as far as I know) so in order to still make some money they started selling them at 8lbs for $3.00!!!!!! WHAT!!??!! Who could resist that price!!??
So my mom went and got me some. (Ryan has the car on his work days) I decided to wash them all, cut off the tops, and freeze most of them (I'll be on the look out for some good recipes that call for strawberries!). But I also sliced a few apples, added some grapes, and mixed it with the strawberries and ended up with what I'm calling a "Red Salad". =) I split it into two so that Ryan could take some in his lunch on Sunday (if it lasts that long...he'll probably eat it tomorrow) and Max could snack on it whenever (I think I'll mix his with vanilla pudding...he'll LOVE it).
Meanwhile...I let Gabriella into the kitchen for the first time to explore my mess of a tupperware cabinet and while I was on the phone listening to my best friends story and handling the strawberries, Gabriella managed to crawl on over to one of my only two vases and pull it down. (Yeah bad mommy I know) So I scooped her up and set her on the other side of the safety gate and cleaned up the mess, said a quick goodbye to my favorite vase and threw it in the trash. That's what I get for getting too wrapped up in what I was doing. =/ At least baby didn't get hurt though, right?


Talk to you soon,

1 comment:

  1. add some a lemon and a splash of water into a sealed Tupperware and it'll make your apples, strawberries and grapes last 2 extra days. :)
