
Happy Mothers Day

First I just want to say, although my kids obviously cannot read this blog, that I love them more than anything else in this world. I love every up and even though I don't know it when its happening, I love every down. There is nothing in this world that will ever separate me from my children without my permission. There is nothing that will ever come between my children and myself. We are forever connected because whether they like it or not I cooked them up in my belly and went through all the pain of a c-section and this is just cause for me to be in their business for as long as I can be. (hahaha) 

Secondly I want to say, motherhood is not always peaches and cream. Motherhood is lots of crying, poopy diapers, tantrums, screaming, negotiating, sacrificing, sleepless nights...and days, baths, trips to the ER, cartoons you cant stand, vomit, stepping on Legos, breaking up fights, tripping over race car tracks, cleaning up stepped on Cheetos, and so much more than I can type right now. On the flip side there is so much good. That's why we keep going back for more. There is the cuddles, the kisses, the hugs, the laughter, the closets filled with tiny dresses, the hand painted pictures from your school age baby BIG KID, the sound of those little voices, the good pictures you get (that dont require bribery), the tons of I love you's, the happy screeches, the proud look on their faces when they've learned something new, the look on their faces when you've totally convinced them that you're a magician, and many many many more.

If there is one thing I have learned as a mother, its that motherhood is absolutely not a chore. It is a privilege that not everyone gets. It is a chance to do your best to raise a little person into a big person that may one day do some good in our world. I wouldn't give back my shot at this for millions of dollars.

Take the time today to thank a GOOD mother. You never know what her child may do for you one day.

Talk to you soon,

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