

My mind is so full of ideas for posts. There are so very many things that I want to talk about and to share with the world, but I cant figure out a way to get them out of my head. I want to talk about my kids, my husband, my family, my life...just everything. Anytime I start typing something out though I delete it. Nothing sounds right anymore. Everything feels like I've already said it...but at the same time I know I haven't said everything. So today as I sit down and type this out, whats on my mind is the way I was raised, and how different I would be, and my life would be, had my mom made different choices.

Really, if you think about it, life is all choices. There is nothing that is not directly affected by any choice you make on any given day, when you do any given thing. If I had not decided to go to the races with my friends I wouldn't have made such a quick connection with my husband, I would have just met him in passing on another day. If I hadn't have decided to try those dreamsicle's, I wouldn't have developed such a craving for them so often. If I had let my body do the talking while I was pregnant with Max and not rushed my pregnancy I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have ended up with a c-section. And so on and so forth.

I've made it my mission lately to make sure I am making what I think is the best choice in any situation. Not only to make sure I end up with the best outcome, but to make sure my kids end up with the best outcome. I would hate to think that one faulty choice by me could impact the rest of their lives. I not only want, I NEED my kids to be successful in life. I need them to feel as though they have been given every opportunity possible to live their life to the fullest they can. I couldn't live with myself if something I did ended up hindering my children. That's not to say that even when you make the best choices, you end up with fabulous results, because sometimes they're horrible results. But I know that if I try and I keep praying, then my children will be fine and will be guided by not just me and Ryan, but by God as well.

So when my kids ask me for a cookie before bed, I say no. When they ask me to let them play outside, I say yes. When they are doing something unacceptable, I stop them. When the sign-up for various sports and other activities open up, I will sign them up. I will make sure to give my children enough to do that will not only keep them active, but also give them the tools they need for a successful social life, for good college applications, and lots and lots of distractions when it comes time for them to start paying attention to the opposite sex. (sigh....SO not looking forward to that)

What are you doing to ensure your children are going to be successful in life?
Talk to you soon,

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