A while back I did this blog
Interview With A Vampire with a friend of mine named Ashley. Now she has had her baby girl and I thought I would ask her a few questions and give her a forum to tell her birth story. I dont know about you but I love to know how having kids was for other women. So I asked her to tell me her story and then asked her a few questions.
So lets start this blog with your birth story Ash! Give us a many or as little details as you'd like!
--My birth story...where do I start?! I had contractions the
whole night of the 2nd of August but decided that I didn't think it was
time to go. Then on the 3rd I was talking to my great grandma and
my mucous plug came out (I know, gross!!) but Victor was in the field (eek!) so he
didn't get service. Not knowing what to do so I called a friend
to find out if I should go to the hospital right then. She said
just chill out, wait for stronger contractions and for my water to
break.I finally was able to get a hold of Victor when he got back onto post and he rushed home. All I wanted to do was to go to Los Domingos and have chips and salsa... soooo off we went to Domingos. :) after that I decided it was time to go to the
hospital.We get to St. Marys and I wait over an hour to get into
triage. I get checked and I'm at a 3, fully effaced, and the baby's
head was at a +1. I thought alright here we go!!! Wellllllll, I was
told to go walking for 2 hours and come back. So we went on what
seemed like the longest walk of my life! I was in my hospital gown and
flip flops and my nips kept showing cause the gown was so huge!
Lol!!! Awkward!! I get back and my water was leaking. They
decided to admit me, this was at 10 pm on the 3rd, I didn't actually
get admitted until 2:02 am on the 4th. Then "labor" started. I
immediately showered when getting into my room, I felt totally grubby
from the 2 hour walk, but also the shirt I was wearing earlier that day
stained my skin and I was freaking embarrassed!! Lol! I got an
epidural at 4cm, I was told I could have received one at anytime but
their morning was booked with C sections so if I didn't get it then it would
take hours and I could miss my chance, so I went for it! Not as bad as
I thought it to be!! I laid down at about 4 to get some rest and I
was at a 5. They hooked me up to the Pitocin drip and by 9 am I was at
8-9am I called my mom and told her to "hurry her a$$ up!!!,
it's time" my dr came and checked me, turns out I was only an 8. So the
nurse tricked me... dang! But that gave my mom, grandma, and sisters
time to make it to the hospital. The minute my dad got there to watch
my youngest sister (she was too young to come in) it was time to push.
But where in the heck was my dr?! Why were they telling me to stop
pushing!!?! Ohhhh my dr was in a c-sec operation (btw, he LOVES c
sections!!) so I was made to wait over an hour and then finally he showed up at 11:11, it seemed like it took him forever to set up and I was FREAKIN DYING to push!! I started pushing, pushed about 20-25 times and at 11:41am our little 6pound 12 ounces, 19 inch long princess had arrived safely!! :)
downs syndrome, no weight issues, no problems WHAT SO EVER! To think I
spent almost 10 months worrying daily about this little baby who came out better than I could have ever hoped for!!! The entire room was
in tears, the nurse and my husband included :) The Hubby said I
cried so loud. I could only imagine. (I guess that's why my
voice was gone for the next 2 days) It was amazing!!! My husband kept
repeating "thank you for our baby girl, thank you!!!" and I kept
asking my sister If she was for sure healthy even though I had already
held her and saw her for myself I didn't want it to be a dream and
me be making it up that she was okay just to trick myself. She
reassured me, Aislyn Destiny Meneses was perfectly healthy with all her
expected fingers and toes! Once I heard her apgar score was 9.9/10 I
was pumped and stopped bugging everyone about whether or not she was
okay :) anxiety got the absolute best of me, for no good reason!
I am so very happy for you and Victor that all the things you got scared with during your pregnancy had no place on/in your baby. Thank Jesus!
How would you say your relationship with Victor changed now that Aislyn is actually here?
--Our relationship has actually grown tremendously in just two weeks.
We've gained an even greater respect for each other and I love him
even more than I did before!!! When I'm tired he's really good at making
sure he does extra. I love him for that...however, for the time
being romance is kinda out the window! boooooooo :-/ lol
The time without romance will go by faster than you can even imagine! But the way a GOOD man changes after his baby is born is just beautiful isn't it?
Was labor and delivery anything like you thought it would be? What is something unexpected that happened? How did you handle it?
--Labor and delivery went so much better than I expected!! I was so
scared, but it went great! I expected to be in there for 20+ hours so
only being there for 9 was awesome!!!
Ummmm my unexpected/awkward moment:
had a student paramedic in the delivery room, it was his first time
seeing a birth, (awwwwkkwaarrrdddd) they didn't even ask if he could
come in, but at that point I wanted to push so bad I could have cared
less if the damn president was in there lol. He was holding my foot as
I was pushing, and he was doing a terrible job at it!! Poor kid
probably wanted to puke or pass out, I know I would have wanted to!
So now that you've been at this whole motherhood thing for a few weeks
now do you have any Words of advice and/or encouragement for new moms
out there?
--Moms: babies are really resilient!!! You don't have to be "as careful"
as you think!! I'm not saying toss them around like rag dolls, but you
can change their clothes without feeling like you'll break them! The
ABSOLUTE most important thing is to follow YOUR own rules!! You know
your baby best! Enjoy all the little moments, even when they're fussy,
cause it goes by quick... I'm already seeing that :( and take millions of pictures!! :)
You're nursing right? Is there any advice you'd like to leave soon to be moms with that may be scared about that part of motherhood?
-- Yes ma'am im nursing :)
Nursing is soooooo great for your baby!
Unless you don't have the ability to do it then you should really try
your hardest!!! It's not the easiest thing but it gets easier everyday. Don't be afraid to ask for help or do research! You have to wake up in
the middle of the night to feed the baby anyways so might as well make
it easier on yourself and breastfeed instead of getting up and
mixing formula. (which although is close, DOES NOT give as many benefits
as BM) Pumping sucks! I'm not even gonna pretend it's fun, but, it
too gets easier and then you'll have your milk to go so that feeding
your breastfed baby in public is easy!!
Are there any last tidbits you'd like to share with the world?
--My last bits of advice are, 90% of the stuff you pack in your hospital
bag won't even be used, so don't sweat that like I did!! Also be
patient...it's all a learning experience.
Ashley and Victor's little girl is absolutely gorgeous! I hope to be adding a picture very soon.
Look for more updates from Ashley as Aislyn grows!
Thanks for reading!
I'll talk to you soon,