
Black + White

I thought all day about what I was going to do for today's photo and finally decided that I would share one of my favorite verses from the Bible, Mark 11:24-25. It speaks volumes to me on any day, and really gives me a sense of peace in my life. But especially when it talks about forgiveness has it been hitting me like a brick these last few months. I'm not really the type to hold grudges, and in most cases I forget why I was ever upset/mad in the first place, but I have spent the last couple of months letting go of literally EVERY SINGLE issue I had. I really want to start 2013 with a heart filled with only love and good stuff. I've been sick of negative stuff for a while, but I especially stray from it now. So I forgive. I forgive EVERYTHING. Who has time to do anything else? I just want to love and be loved in return. I dont have room in my life for anything more than that.

Talk to you soon,

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