
Thankful Thursdays - 39

This week...well the last few days, have been kind of trying on me emotionally. But I've been sticking with lots and lots of prayer and trying to keep myself as calm as possible. Naturally there are things that shouldn't be shared with the whole world so I'm not going to spill my guts. But sometimes there are things that just go out of your control and you have to seriously just give it up to God. So this week I am thankful for the quiet things and times in life.

339. I'm thankful the content moments I get. When we're sitting around the dinner table and Max is telling us about his day and Bella is chiming in like she knows what she's talking about.

340. I'm thankful for the moment when I get into bed with Ryan and whatever bad or unhappy that happened that day just melts away from me.

341. I'm thankful for the 12:00 to 2:00 of the week days when the kids are sleeping and I am able to do things (like blog) that I need to do to keep me mostly sane.

342. I'm thankful for the weightless feeling that praying leaves me with. It's like as soon as I get whatever I need to tell God about out of me I feel like I know it will be taken care of since I've given it away to him.

I hope you're having a great month/week/day/hour/minute/second.
What are you thankful for this week?

Talk to you soon,

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