
Thumb Sucking

How many of you out there have thumb suckers? I never thought any of my kids would do that because its not cute to me...but Bella came out of the womb sucking her thumb. She gets really shy and sucks her thumb, she gets tired and she sucks her thumb, and when shes upset she sucks her thumb.
I've done a ton of reading on how to make kids stop and when is it age appropriate to start explaining to them what its doing to their teeth. All kinds of stuff. Nothing that I read convinced me that it was time to start cracking down and getting this habit stopped.
THEN, Bella has her first dentist visit. Now she did exceptionally well for a 20 month old if you ask me! There were no tears or anything! They cleaned her teeth and took X-Rays, then it was time for the dentist to take a look. As soon as he looked at her mouth he asked if she was a thumb sucker...uhh ohh. He then let me know what I already knew, that this is a terrible habit and that it was going to be hard to break. After that he showed me how her upper mouth is starting to protrude and how her teeth dont close all the way when she bites down. OH MAN. I left that dental office feeling like crap because we have allowed this to go on for this long! How could I let my baby girls beautiful face be altered in any way even if it is from something so seemingly innocent??

I decided right then and there that there would be absolutely no more thumb sucking. On the advice of the dentist we started that night at bed time with socks on her hands while she slept so she couldn't just stick her thumbs in her mouth while she was sleeping. During the day we have everyone on thumb patrol. Two days of hearing no thumb has worked apparently! Yesterday {my day off} she went the whole day without doing it even one time! So for now we are ahead of the game and I'm hoping to have the whole habit broken before the end of the month!
Wish me luck and keep us in your prayers! I want my baby's face to stay the same forever!

I'll leave you with a few pictures!

Talk to you soon,

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